
To speed up the export tax rebate

The state administration of taxation, in 5D induction bends 90 degree view of the current grim situation of foreign trade export, administration of taxation recently issued notice requirements, further improve the work efficiency, accurate and timely handle the export R=5D 45 degree long radius eblow tax refund, close to guard against and crack down on defrauding export tax rebates.From January to June this year, around the tax authorities to handle export tax refund 529.6 billion yuan, fell by 0.2%, lower than the foreign trade export growth during this period, the increase ASTM A53/A106 spiral steel pipe in the total export tax rebates for exports rejected for large and high tax rebates merchandise exports big decline, in the ASTM A106 Fluid Steel Tube first half of the increase of export tax refund and refund the goods basic matching labor export growth.

The notice said, will further speed up progress of export tax rebates, accurate and timely handle the export tax refund. Around if there is a lack of export tax rebate situation, report to the tax administration in time, to apply for additional plan. Shall not delay to handle export tax refund and inadequate planning.

Notice proposed to further improve the internal control outside the export tax rebate system, closely guard against and crack down on defrauding export tax rebates, to strengthen early warning and assessment of export tax rebate to further improve the early warning and monitoring and evaluation indicators, establish a mutual support, mutual cross stereo warning network system.

Inform stressed that the local tax authorities should continue to do the export tax rebate business reminder service, timely will be approved export tax rebate system generated inform the export enterprises, export tax rebates to remind timely grasp the convenient enterprise application of export tax refund (exemption), audit, withdrawing progress and declare tax refund (exemption) term is about to expire, and so on and so forth.

