
Dalian fine iron ore futures delivery standards set

Delivery of product quality standard is important content in the design of system of futures contracts,8 inch Steel Pipe sch140 futures varieties are decided to run one of the key factors of success or failure.The relevant person in charge of dalian, in an interview with futures daily reporter said that the exchange to provide services for the iron and steel enterprise, reflects the market mainstream ore quality, index system simple and clear, to two or morethings industry for the future development trend and comply with the principle of national industrial policy, with reference to the spot trade standards set the benchmark iron ore futures delivery and quality standards.

According to introducing, the iron ore futures delivery standard design close to the main imports the meal spot iron ore trade situation in our country, both inside and outside the economic interests of the domestic mining and ore supply balance. According to the dalian futures contract draft,long radius butt weld 90 degree elbow iron ore benchmark iron ore futures delivery of product as the grade of 62% iron powder ore, iron grade in more than 60% of the powder ore and concentrate all can replace delivery, silica, alumina, iron grade and five indexes such as sulphur, phosphorus content is main liter discount index of trace elements as "restricted" data.

In iron ore futures contract design, ore type selection is the basis of delivery of product quality standards, dalian futures delivery goods first determine for powder ore and iron ore concentrate.The director said, confirm delivery varieties as iron ore powder ore and concentrate,Hot Pushed A234 Wpb Black Pipe Fitting elbow because powder ore and ore concentrate is the mainstream variety in the production, consumption and trade of our country. 2012, the production of 440 million tons of iron ore production in the mine is 420 million tons of fine powder, and accounted for as high as 95%, while imports of 740 million tons of iron ore in the coarse powder amount to 560 million tons, accounting for China's iron ore powder ore and concentrate supply 83% of the total. Because powder ore is one of the largest varieties in our country enterprise risk exposure. Three representative good because the price of ore fines. Four because powder ore and concentrate the trade flows of clear, simple to set up delivery location. 5 because the index system is simple,JIS 5K Plate flanges dependent on low quality.
As a measure of ore quality, the most important indicators of iron grade is standard design iron ore futures consider one of the most core factors. Futures delivery standard, said the head of the ore of iron grade is 62%, and in consideration of the spot market based on the actual situation and the characteristics of the financial derivatives, to determine the grade above 60% powder ore and concentrate all can to take delivery.

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