
Trust platform flock to the real estate market

"Trust is the shadow of China's largest Banks, so to speak. And round through trust mode of operation, a lot of money into real estate industry, the local financing platform."In virtue of trust platform and a large amount of wealth management products are flocking to the real estate market, the succinct answer of one industry source,cold drawn carbon steel pipe in the face of the current at 9% to 10% or even higher yields of trust, even if its disguise again good, some people will be able to analyze economic common sense slightly their money into -- real estate, there is no elsewhere, on the market at present 90% of the shadow banking money into real estate or real estate related.

Shadow banking money into real estate is possible, also is a kind of investment the financial vulnerability people use of the present model, the problem is that the us central bank has been hijacked, shortage of money reversed transmission finally forced to release the liquidity, originally mean to mass produce mode of a lot of money by the shadow banking debt bubble and warning, asset bubbles, however,STD 1D carbon steel pipe fitting elbows this kind of to be seen as a warning urging, so it is hard to predict how much our currency and passive super hair to quell the desire of too big to fail.

The outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis from the United States, many people will question to the federal reserve tightened monetary policy this appearance.The real trigger is the quantitative easing monetary policy on the water by printing money lead to asset prices, allowing more and more buyers can't afford to buy a house, even if it is barely able to afford a house, also does not intend to real debt.Many people believe that the U.S. real estate bubble burst because of excessive speculation, but careful to identify, a more clear logic will emerge, the donor is mostly rigid demanders,ASME A106/A53 Black Steel Pipe and tube rigid demand does not mean no risk, on the contrary, it means that the amplification of the risk, break the rigid demand for tide once formed, the whole real estate bubble will blow and broken.And this gives us a revelation, China now is there are a lot of rigid demanders, but that doesn't mean there's no risk.


China's imports of iron ore 820 million tons in 2013

According to Chinese customs according to the latest figures, China's import 73.38 million tons of iron ore and concentrate,A106b steel tube large diameter ERW steel pipe in December rose by 3.44%, from 77.84 million tons in November by 5.74%.That month for imported iron ore price $127.7 / ton, from slightly.Annual imports of iron ore 820 million tons, up 10.2%, the total import unit price $129.03 / ton, up 0.4% year-on-year.

In December, according to data from imported steel 1.21 million tons, in November of 1.25 million tons,ASME B36.10M pe coating carbon steel tube annual cumulative imported steel 14.08 million tons, up 3.1%;December imports 40000 tons of steel, annual imports of 550000 tons, 53% increase compared to the same;November to December exports steel 5.37 million tons, 5 million tons, annual export 62.34 million tons, 11.9% increase over last year.

Data at the same time, according to a December coke exports of 750000 tons, annual exports of 4.67 million tons,a105 industry standard welding neck flange 358.1% increase over last year.In 2013 to import coal 2013 tons, an increase of 13.4%.China imported 280 million tons of crude oil in 2013, an increase of 4%.